Internal Inspection

Expect Capability.

Caisson in action

Remotely deployed corrosion mapping solutions provide quantitative wall thickness data for pipework and structures. Ideal for use where access restrictions mean manual techniques offer no / limited inspection coverage or results, AISUS have developed unique ultrasonic inspection systems for deployment in various applications.

Caisson in action

‘Off the shelf’ systems are readily available for applications including caissons, risers, J/I-tubes and process pipework. Coupled with our experience in automated deployment solutions we have the capability to develop bespoke tooling for more challenging projects.

Utilizing the latest in NDE software, live C-Scan maps provide a visual representation of wall thickness to allow rapid screening. Where timely results are crucial, data can be exported immediately into a comprehensive report prior to demobilization. The full ultrasonic waveform is captured allowing further analysis to be carried out, using additional processing techniques, including surface profiling and cluster analysis.

Whether a standalone ultrasonic inspection, or combined with remote visual inspection, the recorded data provides the in-depth information required to verify the current structural integrity of the item and identify any requirement for maintenance, repair, or replacement.

This service can be deployed worldwide, delivered safely to the highest standard by our experienced and highly competent engineers.